Assalamualaikum.... selamat mengepam Lia ucapkan kepada yang tengah mengepam tu... mestilah gigih kan demi anak terchenta... gigih bangun pagi-pagi lagi dengan mata separuh tertutup... hehe... Lia pon sama, kadang tu teranggk-angguk kepala sebab mengantuk. Hihi... tapi berbaloi bila melihat hasil yang diperoleh.... kann, mommies
Okai, kali ni Lia nak share cara-cara untuk meningkatkan penghasilan susu ibu. Ilmu yang baik ni meh sama-sama kita share kan. Boleh lah sama-sama kita praktikkan untuk 'up kan' milk supply :)
Here are 35 ways to boost your milk supply:
1. Breastfeed frequently. Frequent breastfeeding is the number one key to boosting your milk supply. --> Haa, sentiasalah bagi bb menyusu
2. Offer both breasts during feedings. --> Bagi bb minum kedua-dua belah jangan bagi sebelah aje.
3. Make sure baby nurses long enough to empty your breast when she nurses. --> Pastikan bb menyusu sehingga breast kosong.
4. Don’t schedule feedings. Follow your baby’s hunger cues for feeding. --> Bagi je bb susu ikut permintaan bb. Jangan nak buat jadual bagai.
5. Allow your baby to cluster feed. Cluster feeding is when a baby breastfeeds several times during a short period of time. Babies often cluster feed in the evenings before they go to sleep.
6. Try switch nursing. Nurse on one breast, if baby gets tired of nursing switch to the other breast, and continue switching breasts until both breasts are empty or baby will no longer suck. --> Sentiasalah tukar breast kiri ke kanan, kanan ke kiri jika nampak bb tu da hisap makin slow... Sebab kita nak make sure breast kita kosong.
7. Use breast compression when you nurse. Breast compression involves massaging your breast and squeezing extra milk out as your baby nurses. --> Sambil2 bagi bb menyusu tu urut2 la breast korang tu.
8. Breastfeed at night. Night feedings are great for boosting milk supply. --> Menyusu waktu malam memang terbaik nak boost susu.
10. If your supply is low or baby is not gaining weight see a lactation consultant for help. --> Perhatikan berat anak. Kalau tak de peningkatan jumpa la doctor.
11. Make sure baby is latching on well. Try more than one technique to get your baby latched on.
12. Get support from breastfeeding moms.
13. Pump while you nurse. Pump on one side and nurse on the other. Then switch sides and let baby empty the breast that you pumped. --> Ni memang terbaek n Lia paling suka buat, Pump sebelah, bb nyusu sebelah. Memang hasulnya sangat la menggembirakan hati.
14. Get lots of skin to skin contact with baby. --> Aura skin contact ni memang betol. Anak terasa kehadiran kita n hubungan kita dengan dia pon rapat jerk.
15. Nurse in bed. Lying down in bed may help you relax and allow baby to nurse for longer periods of time.
16. Don’t sleep on your stomach at night. This may compress your breasts and hinder your supply.
17. Let your baby comfort nurse even if you don’t hear her swallowing.
18. Try babywearing. Carry your baby in a sling or try nursing her in the sling.
19. Avoid pacifiers and artificial nipples --> elakkan penggunaan puting
20. Avoid taking birth control pills while you are breastfeeding if possible.
21. Don’t smoke.
22. Drink plenty of water, especially right before you nurse. -->Wajibb. Minum air banyak-banyakk
23. Limit how much caffeine you drink. --> Tak yah minum terus lagi bagus.
24. Try to relax when you nurse and not rush. --> Yupp. Kalo suasana tenang memang best. Elakkan stress..
25. Avoid supplementing if at all possible.
27. If your baby needs to supplement, consider using a supplemental nursing system or lactation aid so that your baby can nurse at the breast while you supplement.
28. Take a nursing vacation. Spend a weekend in bed with your baby and nurse her as much as possible. --> Hihi, apak2 duk diam main jauh2 jap na.
29. Try taking fenugreek or blessed thistle. Both our herbs that have been used to help improve milk supply.
30. Try drinking mother’s milk tea. Mother’s milk tea can be found at most health stores.
31. Don’t diet while you are breastfeeding. --> Jangan nak diet2. Kalo diet makan cket or x makan camane nak hasilkn susu K.chitt....
32. Eat a bowl of oatmeal. Some moms believe oatmeal helps boost milk supply. --> Agree ;D
33. Talk to your doctor about prescription medication like Reglan to boost your milk supply.
34. Avoid decongestants and antihistamines as these may decrease milk supply.
35. Remember that any amount of breast milk your baby gets from you is good for her.
Mak aih, banyak sangat kan. So, kalo terasa susu korang makin kurang semak checklist kat atas adakah anda ikut. Terutamanya yang Lia hi-lite tuh. Memang menjadik dengan Lia sangat-sangat.
Lia harap post ni dapat membantu mommies semua maintain malah memperbanyak milk supply korang. Ingat : mesti sentiasa kosongkan breast korang tu... analogi mudah untuk menggambarkan penghasilan susu ni macam pam tandas. hehe, sekali pam, tangki akan kosong n akan terus diisi. Begitulah rutinnya...
Call/SMS/Whatsapp : 019-2150710
Like page FB : Liavendor Vitamin Shoppe
Okai, kali ni Lia nak share cara-cara untuk meningkatkan penghasilan susu ibu. Ilmu yang baik ni meh sama-sama kita share kan. Boleh lah sama-sama kita praktikkan untuk 'up kan' milk supply :)
Here are 35 ways to boost your milk supply:
1. Breastfeed frequently. Frequent breastfeeding is the number one key to boosting your milk supply. --> Haa, sentiasalah bagi bb menyusu
2. Offer both breasts during feedings. --> Bagi bb minum kedua-dua belah jangan bagi sebelah aje.
3. Make sure baby nurses long enough to empty your breast when she nurses. --> Pastikan bb menyusu sehingga breast kosong.
4. Don’t schedule feedings. Follow your baby’s hunger cues for feeding. --> Bagi je bb susu ikut permintaan bb. Jangan nak buat jadual bagai.
5. Allow your baby to cluster feed. Cluster feeding is when a baby breastfeeds several times during a short period of time. Babies often cluster feed in the evenings before they go to sleep.
6. Try switch nursing. Nurse on one breast, if baby gets tired of nursing switch to the other breast, and continue switching breasts until both breasts are empty or baby will no longer suck. --> Sentiasalah tukar breast kiri ke kanan, kanan ke kiri jika nampak bb tu da hisap makin slow... Sebab kita nak make sure breast kita kosong.
7. Use breast compression when you nurse. Breast compression involves massaging your breast and squeezing extra milk out as your baby nurses. --> Sambil2 bagi bb menyusu tu urut2 la breast korang tu.
8. Breastfeed at night. Night feedings are great for boosting milk supply. --> Menyusu waktu malam memang terbaik nak boost susu.
9. Pump after nursing. Usually pumping after nursing will help empty the breast. If you find that you are not pumping anything after nursing you can try pumping before nursing. Babies are much more efficient at emptying the breast than a pump so this may work better for some moms. --> Kerap pam. Selepas bb minum, atau sebelum bb minum dengan tujuan nak betul2 kosongkan breast.
10. If your supply is low or baby is not gaining weight see a lactation consultant for help. --> Perhatikan berat anak. Kalau tak de peningkatan jumpa la doctor.
11. Make sure baby is latching on well. Try more than one technique to get your baby latched on.
12. Get support from breastfeeding moms.
13. Pump while you nurse. Pump on one side and nurse on the other. Then switch sides and let baby empty the breast that you pumped. --> Ni memang terbaek n Lia paling suka buat, Pump sebelah, bb nyusu sebelah. Memang hasulnya sangat la menggembirakan hati.
14. Get lots of skin to skin contact with baby. --> Aura skin contact ni memang betol. Anak terasa kehadiran kita n hubungan kita dengan dia pon rapat jerk.
15. Nurse in bed. Lying down in bed may help you relax and allow baby to nurse for longer periods of time.
16. Don’t sleep on your stomach at night. This may compress your breasts and hinder your supply.
17. Let your baby comfort nurse even if you don’t hear her swallowing.
18. Try babywearing. Carry your baby in a sling or try nursing her in the sling.
19. Avoid pacifiers and artificial nipples --> elakkan penggunaan puting
20. Avoid taking birth control pills while you are breastfeeding if possible.
21. Don’t smoke.
22. Drink plenty of water, especially right before you nurse. -->Wajibb. Minum air banyak-banyakk
23. Limit how much caffeine you drink. --> Tak yah minum terus lagi bagus.
24. Try to relax when you nurse and not rush. --> Yupp. Kalo suasana tenang memang best. Elakkan stress..
25. Avoid supplementing if at all possible.
26. Eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein. --> Mesti makan makanan yang sihat dan tinggi kandungan protein like ESP - Shaklee Energising Soy Protein :)
27. If your baby needs to supplement, consider using a supplemental nursing system or lactation aid so that your baby can nurse at the breast while you supplement.
28. Take a nursing vacation. Spend a weekend in bed with your baby and nurse her as much as possible. --> Hihi, apak2 duk diam main jauh2 jap na.
29. Try taking fenugreek or blessed thistle. Both our herbs that have been used to help improve milk supply.
30. Try drinking mother’s milk tea. Mother’s milk tea can be found at most health stores.
31. Don’t diet while you are breastfeeding. --> Jangan nak diet2. Kalo diet makan cket or x makan camane nak hasilkn susu K.chitt....
32. Eat a bowl of oatmeal. Some moms believe oatmeal helps boost milk supply. --> Agree ;D
33. Talk to your doctor about prescription medication like Reglan to boost your milk supply.
34. Avoid decongestants and antihistamines as these may decrease milk supply.
35. Remember that any amount of breast milk your baby gets from you is good for her.
Mak aih, banyak sangat kan. So, kalo terasa susu korang makin kurang semak checklist kat atas adakah anda ikut. Terutamanya yang Lia hi-lite tuh. Memang menjadik dengan Lia sangat-sangat.
Lia harap post ni dapat membantu mommies semua maintain malah memperbanyak milk supply korang. Ingat : mesti sentiasa kosongkan breast korang tu... analogi mudah untuk menggambarkan penghasilan susu ni macam pam tandas. hehe, sekali pam, tangki akan kosong n akan terus diisi. Begitulah rutinnya...
Jika ada sesiapa berkenan n nak pinang ESP - Shaklee Energising Soy Protein untuk melengkapkan sumber protein n meningkatkan kualiti susu korang, boleh lah hubungi Lia. :)
Semoga maju jaya semua...
Call/SMS/Whatsapp : 019-2150710
Like page FB : Liavendor Vitamin Shoppe
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